Saturday, March 28, 2009

OIAM 27-3-09

Semalam aku jatuh cinta dengan Tomok. This kid is really brilliant. Tak sangka beliau ini mcm. Ye lah, zaman New Boyz dulu org gambarkan mereka as untalented kid, dengan muzik yg too meleleh and suara sengau. But now Tomok really change. He got the talent and music creativity. Masa memula dia masuk OIAM ni org ckp macam2, kutuk macam2, but he's prooving that he deserved to be there and received immunity for the second time. Second time I tell u. He was brave enough to sing Syafinaz's song.

Then about guest judge. Kali ini OIAM sangat peka dengan guest judge nampaknya. Sebab Fransissca Peter punya komen kali ini boleh di harap. Boleh di dengar. Boleh di percayai. No suck up punya komen. Nampak la Fran ni berfikir sikit dan bukan buat keje sambil lewa. Good!

Kali ni FIFY terkeluar. Huhu..aku masa depa kata Nine dengan Aweera antara terendah, aku ckp alamak, ni mesti Nine keluar ni. Sekali Fify. Skrg tinggal 2 je lagi peserta wanita. I think starting next week lelaki pulak disingkirkan. Bermula dengan Simon or Rizu. But I love to see Aweera go. Sebab dia tak up to the competition langsung, cakap pun lemau je. Come on, since he stay, do something creative. Maybe buat lagu slow jd rock ke..Org skrg walaupun still minat rock kapak, tapi that was the time in their lives, but being in that years again, i dont think its a good idea.

I must say, Esther did well to. Like it. See, that is creative. Yang lain2 tak nak komen la..Nine emm..dia mcm tu je la..ekekekek..


TashadeNatasha said...

aku nk ckp,
suara nine nyanyi live agak kurang.

Isis said...

nine mcm tu je la tasha..walaupun agak gemar tgk performance dia, tapi vocal dia kureng sikit kan..

TashadeNatasha said...

mmg la.
record je suara dia sedap.
live hancus.

Isis said...

dia punya band pun ala2 band indon..mmg takleh compete dengan mana2 artis bervokal baik..

TashadeNatasha said...

kalau dgn FT jauh beza. ekkeke

Isis said...

2 different league tasha..nine dia tak leh lagu berat..