Somewhere beyond the sea, somewhere waiting for me, my lover stands on golden sands and watches the ships that go sailing..
Sunday, November 30, 2008

How do i spend my time last night? I went to a club by invitation from a 'otai' friend. We went to Passion located next to Padi Restaurant which is next to Rum Jungle. Its a VIP room covered with glasses all over the room with boring-LCD-showcase and comfy sofa. Since its only us, we hope for a karaoke set at least, but then, nothing more to do. Mcm perbincangan mafia with hot chicks(not that i'm one of the hot one..hihi). To spend time, we learned to shuffle and lompat bintang and the not forgetting 'our thing' like mr.advisor said, very MK.
Come to compare Passion with Rum Jungle, Rum Jungle is the winner. The toilet, the environment and the music, even though in Passion we got our own room but that's just it. But its a nice experience and a very big thankful for 'otai'.
Friday, November 28, 2008
The appointment is schedule at 9.30pm dekat Uptown Damansara Utama. Tempat pertemuan paling afdal utk kami selain One Utama. Kali ni kita jumpa-jumpa dulu la, next time we plan for a movie ok..Zeno and Taiko might join us.
I was thinking earlier, since my office like 10 minutes away (without traffic congested of course) i might just come and wait for them dekat starbucks ke old town ke..and i decided to wait for them until 9.30pm at Starbucks and caramel hot chocolate. Ahhh..syoknya..and listen to Perangkap Cinta. Wah sadis. Nak nangis la..
Instead of marahkan diri sendiri, aku marahkan org lain, well actually aku pun salah jugak tapi tu la..
So i just wanted to say I am so sorry, very very sorry kepada awak..I am already forgiven but what had happened berlegar lagi dalam kepala ni sebab aku rasa sangat menyesal berbuat begitu. I promise, it wont happen again.
p/s thank yer awak for the jam...sangat suka walaupun memula like "what??? pink? Im gelap ok.." hehe...
Thursday, November 27, 2008
I think most of us penah dengar lagu Perangkap Cinta ni yang malatop suatu ketika dahulu yg dikatakan dinyanyikan oleh banduan yg telah membunuh awek dan kekasih lama aweknya itu...
Well..check this out for you who still believe that the song belong to that banduan; its actually composed by someone by the name Ayie..i guess from Singapore. So apparently the banduan story bunuh awek dan kekasih lama aweknya buat lagu sebelum ke tali gantung adalah tidak benar sama sekali. Misteri solve.
Actually the banduan story tu berjaya emerge lagu ni ke seantero dunia maybe. Ye la, kalau dah Saleem nyanyikan lagu ni dan mengutip populariti lagu ni..kira berjaya jugak la that kid...u guys should google youtube for this song and anda akan ketemu original video made by Ayie & Berd. Nice song kids. Suit dgn cerita banduan tu. Buat I menitik air mata terasa syahdu ok. Suaranya sgt sesuai dgn lagu syahdu itu akan tetapi suara Saleem tak sesuai. Tak syahdu, dan tak sedih..kikikiki
Well..check this out for you who still believe that the song belong to that banduan; its actually composed by someone by the name Ayie..i guess from Singapore. So apparently the banduan story bunuh awek dan kekasih lama aweknya buat lagu sebelum ke tali gantung adalah tidak benar sama sekali. Misteri solve.
Actually the banduan story tu berjaya emerge lagu ni ke seantero dunia maybe. Ye la, kalau dah Saleem nyanyikan lagu ni dan mengutip populariti lagu ni..kira berjaya jugak la that kid...u guys should google youtube for this song and anda akan ketemu original video made by Ayie & Berd. Nice song kids. Suit dgn cerita banduan tu. Buat I menitik air mata terasa syahdu ok. Suaranya sgt sesuai dgn lagu syahdu itu akan tetapi suara Saleem tak sesuai. Tak syahdu, dan tak sedih..kikikiki
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
When she said she's giving up
Writing blog is no more her passion
Im frustrated though I understand
She's doing what is the best
For her time and happiness
When she said she's giving up
It left me with only YM
I cannot read her writing anymore
Is it time for me to delete the link in the favourite?
When she said she's giving up
Knowing her must be something bothering her
Though I dont know what
I wish she can continue
This is where i know she's happy
This is where i know she's allright
This is where i know what she's doing
This is where i know what she's been tru
When she said she's giving up
I wish her well..
For her i am here..
Monday, November 24, 2008
All i can do is just ignore it. Benda tak betul, buat apa nak marah2 atau kecoh2.. I learn from the best, learn to let go.

Lepas makan kat Yuen tu, kami pun pegi tengok Alex and Friends, Marty, Gloria, Melman, King Julian, Maurice and crazy Penguins dekat Sunway Pyramid.
Starting flashback pasal 1st movie. Then baru tunjuk Alex a.k.a Alakay semasa kecik. Cutenyer...Citer ni sekejap je kan rasa. Tetiba dah habis.
Nak je aku bitau Marty, stripes dia yg membezakan antara setiap zebra...so, every sekor kuda belang is unique. Kesian Marty. Tapi aku suka sgt cara dia berkwn dgn Alex.
Part lawak yg aku ingat ialah monyet2 tu mintak penguins bagi mereka cuti bersalin. Siap ugut Skipper pasal gamba dia dgn doll tu..hahaha..last2 diluluskan cuti bersalin walaupun monyet2 tu suma monyet jantan..
Hihi..at the end, they all decided to stay in Africa. Owh and i forgot to tell u, do u know who play the voice of Moto Moto? It's Will I Am Black Eyed Peas tu..OMG. Hahaha..sexy habis..hihi
Always packed with people, have to queue to get in. So do we. But not that long before we got in. Seronok makan kat sini. Sebab eat everything u can. Tapi aku banyak makan udang, ketam dan ikan je. Besar mana sangat la perut ku ini..hikhikhik..
Yang penting, aku kenyang dan kami puas hati. Thank you sedara!
Yang penting, aku kenyang dan kami puas hati. Thank you sedara!
Sunday, November 23, 2008

Memulakan perjalanan ke Pantai Remis sekitar jam 1 lebih setelah melantak pizza di Jalan Taiping Klang (kat Klang pun ada taiping, agak2 aku rindu Mastura, aku dtg sini je la...), sampai
ke Pantai Remis, aku dah lost time dah, tak ingat pun kul berapa sampai sebab aku tdo lam keta..hahahahah...

Singgah sana, berkenalan dgn mentarang (bukan mentaram yer adik2)..dan mengambil beberapa gamba syok sendiri, org kata kerang bakar situ sedap..so try la. Mana tak sedapnya, depa bakaq atas arang bukan mcm kat kl nu, bakar a.k.a goreng atas periuk burger.

Destinasi seterusnya ialah Shah Alam. Konon la dibawa ke Bukit Cerakah..tapi haramjadah, dia tutup kul 4.30 sedangkan sampai sana jam 4.50ptg. Padan muka. Sempat la amik gamba syok sendiri walaupun kat parking sambil mengutuk sorg pakwe dan awek tu..depa mcm baru berkenalan je..tak mesra..malah i think mereka mesti jeles tgk kami..kikikiki
Selepas tu gerak ke Plaza Alam Sentral, Shah Alam. First time ni sampai alam sentral dan kawasan sekitar. Lagi first time lepak kedai mamak nama dia Syed Bistro.
Aku sebenarnya kagum dgn Syed ni. Very hi-tech wa cakap lu. Order pun pakai wireless. Sini mmg di beri percuma wireless. Pastu kan..yg aku kagum lagi..kat bandar shah alam ni pun ada wireless percuma...tajuk dia wireless shah alam. Kagum kagum..menarik jugak shah alam ni yer..Pindah shah alam syok jugak kan..kikikikiki..
Saturday, November 22, 2008

Choose a nice table, then browse to their menu. Im not sure before this got this menu or not..but why not i try. So i order bread with chicken curry with Spirulina Orange Juice.
The chicken curry was damn good. The potato was fresh. But the chicken not really la sbb mcm chicken tu frozen punya. So the taste a bit turn off la. The gravy so tasty. Try it.
Friday, November 21, 2008

When i left office at 6pm today, rasa mcm sesuatu. But i dont think about it much. Then I drove to nearest Petronas to pump angin tayar. Oh FYI, im using MRR2. My mind masa tu tengah fikir tayar sbb when i left office rasa mcm tak best je..After left petronas, suddenly i realise tertinggal sesuatu. OMG!!!!!! The acer. Haha..! So i make U-turn dekat Batu Caves Roundabout.
Really a tragedy when the road to my office was really2 a bad jammed. Penat selepas sehari kat ofis then kena tempuh jem. I wonder how la mereka-mereka yg kena face the jammed pergi dan balik keje. So, finally sampai ofis and get the acer then drove to Taman Melati as planned.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
How often do you get friend request. What u normally do? Do u straight away approve the request or you take your sweet time like me? Unless its someone i already know, i will directly approve though its depend on the avatar. If the avatar is not yourself and your name is not recognise by my RAM, then i will take my sweet time to approve.
Its become a habit for me to click at friend in common when i receive the request. You know, to see who know who, like the exibit above. I know Maikel and Lynda. So, i make early conclusion that Irwan Alavy is in which community. But MK community have few members who registered with
. If he's from MK, cannot be just this two. So what i do next is send him a message. From this I will exactly know how he find me. Of course, if he reply my message.
Conclusion, he dont know what MK is.. ;D
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Oh im so excited.
Setiap hari aku tengok JJ ni yang bakal di buka entah bila. Aku budjet maybe early December. So im saving my voucher for this new JJ. Mesti stock baru kan.
Pagi tadi tengok dorg dah start masuk keje. Kalau tak December, mesti January. Mesti punya la. Tak sabar rasanya. Jalan kaki boleh sampai.
Setiap hari aku tengok JJ ni yang bakal di buka entah bila. Aku budjet maybe early December. So im saving my voucher for this new JJ. Mesti stock baru kan.
Pagi tadi tengok dorg dah start masuk keje. Kalau tak December, mesti January. Mesti punya la. Tak sabar rasanya. Jalan kaki boleh sampai.

Lokasi Pengirim: Ube, Jepun
Nama Penerima: Ibu Abah (Atmawati Ahmad, Abd Aziz Muda), adik beradik (Azrinoor, Afifi Iqbal, Aura Izzati, Asmani Mad Nor), saudara mara, rakan-rakan, guru-guru, dan seluruh rakyat Malaysia.
Lokasi Penerima: Ampang, Kelantan, Terengganu, dan seluruh dunia.
Ucapan: Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri diucapkan kepada ibu abah, dan seluruh ahli keluarga. Tidak lupa juga kepada guru-guru di SMK Taman Kosas, Pusat Tusyen Malik Kamaruddin, dan Ambang Asuhan Jepun. Tidak lupa kepada sahabat-sahabat di Malaysia dan serata dunia. Salah silap saya harap dimaafi.
Pengenalan Gambar: Taman Tasik Tokiwa, Ube Kota Keriangan, Jepun.
Aku terpana..
Dan aku senyum..
Aku bahagia sekali...
Aku rindu sangat-sangat dengan Esah..
Bila kau nak pulang...
Kita akan ke Malis dan lepak di sana.
Kau buat lawak dan aku gelak...
Mungkin kita akan makan kerang lagi dan aku kopekkan utk kau..
Thanks Esah for early b'day wish. Aku nak kau tahu yg kau sentiasa dlm hati aku. Masa aku jalan-jalan kat Danau Kota, tetiba aku teringat kau. Lalu aku sms kau. Deting la pulak..ekekeke..
Monday, November 17, 2008
Pulang dari keje tadi aku nak ke pasar malam. Nak beli barang sikit. Aku pun tulis la kat kertas apa aku nak beli. Memula aku tulis bawang besar, lepas tu aku leh tulis bawang kecik. Lepas tu aku sedar eh, mana ada bawang kecik...sebenarnya aku nak tulis bawang merah.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Tgh menonton Melodi. Kesah krisis Abby-Norman-Memey masih hangat dan semakin hangit, People waited their next move. Memey masih bersembunyi. Wah komentar dari beberapa org ramai memang menyalahkan Memey. Kesian jugak si Memey ni. Sebab pada aku Norman tu yg memulakan semua ini. This is just the matter of time. If bukan Memey, tentu org lain. Sebelum ni kan Norman penah digosipkan dengan Faradhiya.
Michelle Melodi, i think Memey tak perlu la muncul di khalayak ramai. Beliau muda, tersilap langkah tu. Tapi yg perlu dia lakukan ialah memohon maaf kepada Abby. Tak perlu mintak maaf kepada masyarakat, dia tak buat salah pada masyarakat. Bagi la peluang mereka menyelesaikan kemelut ini tanpa pressure dari wartawan (hahaha, as if any reporter read my blog)
Syok jugak ada Nabil dlm melodi ni. Punya la lama aku tak nonton Melodi.....Ok la sekian coretan di hujung minggu,
Michelle Melodi, i think Memey tak perlu la muncul di khalayak ramai. Beliau muda, tersilap langkah tu. Tapi yg perlu dia lakukan ialah memohon maaf kepada Abby. Tak perlu mintak maaf kepada masyarakat, dia tak buat salah pada masyarakat. Bagi la peluang mereka menyelesaikan kemelut ini tanpa pressure dari wartawan (hahaha, as if any reporter read my blog)
Syok jugak ada Nabil dlm melodi ni. Punya la lama aku tak nonton Melodi.....Ok la sekian coretan di hujung minggu,
Monday, November 10, 2008

Sabtu lepas, bersamaan dgn 8/11/08 bersama beberapa rakan-rakan kami menyertai paintball yg bertempat di Rimba Harmonis, Gombak.

Terima kasih di ucapkan kepala sedari Redthorne kerana membantu saya mencari Taman Harmonis. Kalau ikut MRR2 masuk Sri Gombak lg senang sayangku, sebab stret je. Senang nak carik sebenarnya.

Rimba Harmonis ni totally mcm dalam hutan. So takder la nampak bunker yg colorful tu kan. Nak masuk ke sana pun kemain becak. Sementelah musim hujan kan. Masa parking tu I was asking myself, where the hell is this Rimba Harmonis sbb tak nampak entrance dia. Cuma nampak space parking. Then nasib baik, ada beberapa rakan tetiba muncul. Scary jugak nak turun. Boleh tergolek ke bawah.
Aku sebenarnya dah kelewatan, tapi nasib baik mereka belum mula. Secara amnya, 11 vs 11. Tak penah dibuat kata owner situ. Tapi apa2 pun fun gila. Cuma masuk sesi kelima ramai dah pancit. Seronok dan ianya berbaloi walapun kena tembak sekali. Biru. Wuhuu..

Not to worry kalau terkena pallet nya sbb dia water base jadi mmg hilang la kalau basuh.
Game start kul 3. Berakhir almost 6 tak silap. Salute la kat management Rimba Harmonis sebab masa azan dia suh kitorg stop..
I have to make confession, aku tertembak hampir mengenai Pemerhati UN kat atas menara. Almost terkena kamera aku lak tu. Phew..sib baik beliau sempat mengelak..ekekekeke..
Friday, November 07, 2008
1. What are you wearing?
~ Jeans and blouse sopan yg berbutton yg button dia senang terbukak..
2. What did you do last night?
~ Watch Puaka Niyang Rapik @ TV3. Banyak betul hantu. Ada toyol, ada hantu tumpang moto. Pengarah dia Ahmad Idham. Terlalu awal utk ckp samada siri ni boleh kalahkah Kekasihku Seru atau tidak, tapi kita tgk dulu.
3. Favorite Memory with significant other?
~ None
4. Last gift received?
~ Tak boleh ingat yg mana satu yg last. But since my bday is coming like 11 days, ku tunggu jugak what i will get. Dengar2 my Brothers throwing me a pool party. Kehkehkeh.
5. Describe the last picture you were in?
~ Having fun with One-Shade-3-Models.
~ Jeans and blouse sopan yg berbutton yg button dia senang terbukak..
2. What did you do last night?
~ Watch Puaka Niyang Rapik @ TV3. Banyak betul hantu. Ada toyol, ada hantu tumpang moto. Pengarah dia Ahmad Idham. Terlalu awal utk ckp samada siri ni boleh kalahkah Kekasihku Seru atau tidak, tapi kita tgk dulu.
3. Favorite Memory with significant other?
~ None
4. Last gift received?
~ Tak boleh ingat yg mana satu yg last. But since my bday is coming like 11 days, ku tunggu jugak what i will get. Dengar2 my Brothers throwing me a pool party. Kehkehkeh.
5. Describe the last picture you were in?
~ Having fun with One-Shade-3-Models.

6. Last thing you ate?
~ Mini Poppers for breakfast.
7. Last thing you drank?
~ Sunkist orange juice.
8. What kind of underwear are you wearing?
~ Not wearing one. Thehehehe
9. What was your best vacation?
~ Yesterday i received call from a company yg konon offer me voucher for vacation. I told them I tak suka bercuti..kehkehkeh..best vacation is balik kg.
10. What are you most looking forward to in the next vacation?
~ Not thinking about it.
11. What is happening around you?
~ silent morning, one people go to photocopy machine, a sound of distance people talking and boss coming in with his nice shoe where everybody kena bukak kasut.
12. What is your shoe size?
~ 5 sometimes 4. Kehkehkeh.
13. Last event you dressed up for?
~ Aleeza's party.
14. What is the most cheap thing you bought?
~ How much is cheap?
15. What is the most expensive thing you have on right now?
~ Wrist watch. Takkan jam dinding kan.
16. What is your favorite smell?
~ Smell of tangan yg baru lepas pegang rokok coz so masculine, smell of afterbath, smell of foodie.
17. Is there something you really want to buy right now?
~ Im planning to do some shopping. But not really2 have to buy.
18. What are your nicknames?
~ Isis, Intanmahsuri..penah guna nama Pensil2B in one forum.
19. What are your plans for today?
~ Im still thinking either watch Anugerah Skrin or pergi jusco after work utk tukar jusco voucher and redeem points and get my Bday Voucher.
20. Describe your friendster picture.
~ I think a forum logo created by Fazzal..
21. Describe your myspace picture.
~ Deleted already.
22. Describe your facebook picture.
~ A photo taken at Annual Dinner.
23. What did you do last weekend?
~ Hang out. Hehehehehe..
24. Favorite brand of clothes?
~ Anything can do.
25. What is your ringtone?
~ Inuyasha (Change The World). Inuyasha ni anime.
~ Mini Poppers for breakfast.
7. Last thing you drank?
~ Sunkist orange juice.
8. What kind of underwear are you wearing?
~ Not wearing one. Thehehehe
9. What was your best vacation?
~ Yesterday i received call from a company yg konon offer me voucher for vacation. I told them I tak suka bercuti..kehkehkeh..best vacation is balik kg.
10. What are you most looking forward to in the next vacation?
~ Not thinking about it.
11. What is happening around you?
~ silent morning, one people go to photocopy machine, a sound of distance people talking and boss coming in with his nice shoe where everybody kena bukak kasut.
12. What is your shoe size?
~ 5 sometimes 4. Kehkehkeh.
13. Last event you dressed up for?
~ Aleeza's party.
14. What is the most cheap thing you bought?
~ How much is cheap?
15. What is the most expensive thing you have on right now?
~ Wrist watch. Takkan jam dinding kan.
16. What is your favorite smell?
~ Smell of tangan yg baru lepas pegang rokok coz so masculine, smell of afterbath, smell of foodie.
17. Is there something you really want to buy right now?
~ Im planning to do some shopping. But not really2 have to buy.
18. What are your nicknames?
~ Isis, Intanmahsuri..penah guna nama Pensil2B in one forum.
19. What are your plans for today?
~ Im still thinking either watch Anugerah Skrin or pergi jusco after work utk tukar jusco voucher and redeem points and get my Bday Voucher.
20. Describe your friendster picture.
~ I think a forum logo created by Fazzal..
21. Describe your myspace picture.
~ Deleted already.
22. Describe your facebook picture.
~ A photo taken at Annual Dinner.
23. What did you do last weekend?
~ Hang out. Hehehehehe..
24. Favorite brand of clothes?
~ Anything can do.
25. What is your ringtone?
~ Inuyasha (Change The World). Inuyasha ni anime.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
"Guys never failed to do what they do naturally" - A quote from a movie.
"Guys think using his head (not that head, another one)"
eh!! dua je???
"Guys think using his head (not that head, another one)"
eh!! dua je???

Ramai tak dari kalangan kita yg menggunakan radio sebagai sumber informasi utk laporan kesesakan. Station (ejaan melayu camana????? Blank u) radio mana pilihan anda. Era, Sinar, Mix, Hitz mempunyai laporan trafik yg sangat sama cuma yg berbeza bahasa sahaja. Manakala hot fm ada pertambahan atau pengurangan dari segi informasinya.
Di sini saya mempunyai satu cadangan kalau anda menginginkan laporan trafik yg lebih masyuk. Mungkin anda sudah menjadi pendengar setia stesen (betulkan ejaan BM nya sebegini) radio yg bakal saya sebutkan, tapi bagi yg belum saya cadangkan berbuat demikian serta merta kerana info yg diberi memang bagus, terkini dan merangkumi hampir kesemua jalan-jalan di lembah kelang ini.
Stesen radio tersebut ialah KL FM..kehkehkeh..(mesti ada yg ckp, lahai I dah lama la dgr KL FM, takpe...yg mana dah lama bagus la. Yang baru2 nak dgr, boleh la praktis dengar). Anda boleh dengarkan KL FM di frekuensi 97.2o.
Di sini saya mempunyai satu cadangan kalau anda menginginkan laporan trafik yg lebih masyuk. Mungkin anda sudah menjadi pendengar setia stesen (betulkan ejaan BM nya sebegini) radio yg bakal saya sebutkan, tapi bagi yg belum saya cadangkan berbuat demikian serta merta kerana info yg diberi memang bagus, terkini dan merangkumi hampir kesemua jalan-jalan di lembah kelang ini.
Stesen radio tersebut ialah KL FM..kehkehkeh..(mesti ada yg ckp, lahai I dah lama la dgr KL FM, takpe...yg mana dah lama bagus la. Yang baru2 nak dgr, boleh la praktis dengar). Anda boleh dengarkan KL FM di frekuensi 97.2o.
Laporannya memang bagus. Dan seolah2 semua org di KL ni dengar KL FM. Kalau petang2 boleh dgr rancangan dorg Kenangan Lalu Kuala Lumpur. Semalam je dapat dengar lagu 4U2C tajuk I MISS U (oo..oo I miss u..kembali padaku..bagai waktu dulu..oo..oo I miss u..).
Dorg dapat info melalui SAHABAT KL FM. Info yg di hantar melalui SMS oleh org awam dan jugak info dari apa nama tah beliau itu..memang terkini. Jadi apa tunggu lagi, jom kita dengar stesen radio Kerajaan pulak..
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