Thursday, January 22, 2009


Kenangan lalu ku biarkan pergi
Kenangan lalu ku tidak sebut lagi
Kenangan lalu tidak ku kenang
Kenangan lalu jadikan pengajaran

Secara amnya begitulah aku layan cerita musim lalu. Aku tak suka bercakap mengenai hal yg lepas. My mantra "what pass is pass". I always learn to let go. Im not living the same anymore, then why i must hold on it like the things will be the same. All the sweet memories, kindness given I never forget that. I never regret of what had happened, must be reasons behind it.

I dont have any regret nor to revenge my ex for what he did to me, the lie. I never want to talk about it anymore. But how is that those who still can't let go of the pass? Is it too hurt for them to let go. Im not in the position to give advices, but I think..don't talk about it can help you let go things. Don't live in previous years, we live in for now and for future.

p/s Though I miss her, it won't do any thing. Tepung, I miss her. Kekekekekek..


Aidahs said...

miss u too.. ekkeekee

Dari Jari Seorang Tepung said...

i miss her too Isis... hehe..

Dari Jari Seorang Tepung said...

i miss her too Isis... hehe..

Isis said...

Miss u too and love u Aidah..

Seorang Tepung,
Saya faham..ekekekek..

b3skut said...

ko menat jugak drg KL fm ptg2 ye,sis

Isis said...

Minatttt...pastu suka dgr laporan trafik dia..tak macam stesen radio lain..

bacteria said...

i still remember we berpegang pegangan alat sulit.. wakekekeke...

Isis said...

Yang mana satu ah zamie..ekekeke