Monday, March 02, 2009


Mamat comel ni telah mentag aku dengan secara tak sengaja. Aku ni bukan peminat tag2 ni..Tapi dia punya mcm menarik je. Sebenaunya, dah penah nengok tag yg mcm ni tapi masa tu takde sape tag aku, kesempatan ni aku cekau la. Thanks Zainur tag aku, kalau tak kempunan aku..ekekekkeeke

It’s harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag twenty people including the person who tagged you.
Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real…nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can’t use your name for the boy/girl name question.

1. What is your name : Asmani

2. A four Letter Word : Asam (hahahah, tgh makan jambu dengan asam)

3. A boy’s Name : Adam

4. A girl’s Name : Anasuha (nama ni dulu idea arwah kakak aku utk adik aku, tapi ayah aku p ingat nama lain..hoh)

5. An occupation : Astronomer (Ingat nak jd astronomer dulu masa kecik2)

6. A color : Amber (bukan amber chia tau)

7. Something you’ll wear : ATM punya uniform..ahahahahahha...

9. A type of food : Ayam golek

10. Something found in the bathroom : Antiperspirant

11. A place : Awan (awan pun tempat apa!)

12. A reason for being late : Adui! Sakit perut..g jumpa doktor jap, tu yg lambat tu..ekekekee...

13. Something you’d shout : Assuda la..!

14. A movie title : Armageddon (sedih woi citer ni)

15. Something you drink : Air sirap

16. A musical group : Air Supply (I would rather hurt myself, than to ever make you cry, there's nothing left to say, but goodbye).

17. An animal : Ant (kihkih)

18. A street name : Alor Street (Jalan Alor)..ekekekeke

19. A type of car : Alfa Romeo

20. The title of a song : Assalamualaikum(ada kan lagu Raihan..ekekeke)


z.a.i.n.u.r said...

Eh senang pulak rupanya A ni..tak aci la macam ni

Aku cabar ko buat dengan huruf Q pulak.. Hahaha

Isis said...

Mana ada nama aku huruf Q..ekekekeke...

LeLy said...

ermmm....amat mnarik tag nih...
memule aku blur dek krane kelmbatan kepickupan......

Isis said...

Apa kata ko buat lak..ekekeke..dengan ini aku nak ko jawab tag ni..ekekeke

LeLy said...
